ADT Security Yard Sign – Broken Into Pieces


Replace your home security yard sign if it’s broken!

ADT Security System SignWell, it’s winter, and even the Sun City El Paso gets hit by some ugly freezing weather. We had  22 degrees a few days ago, and more than a foot of snow. When I was shoveling snow to clear the entrance to the house, I realized that my ADT security yard sign disappeared. The only thing visible above the snow was the stick where the sign is usually mounted to. Turns out that the yard sign shattered in the freezing cold and the pieces were covered by the snow. I have had that sign for 10+ years and it was probably ready to disintegrate anyway. Since a security sign is a great deterrent, since burglars always look for easy targets, I better replace it soon. I need to call the ADT contractor in town to see if they can replace it. Hopefully there won’t be a price tag attached to it.

I will update you on the progress.


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